Raynor Country Real Estate

raynor country

Raynor Country Real Estate

In the heart of the historical business district in the Village of Warwick, New York, we have been serving the public for over 100 years.

Broker owner Barbara White came to Warwick in 1957 and settled in the cozy and neighborly community of Wickham Village. She is blessed with a great energy, which found its outlet soon after her arrival, when she accepted a position from Ken Eurich as a Realtor selling properties in Wickham Village. In 1960, she went to work for Wilfred Raynor, who had set up his Warwick, New York, realty firm just upstairs from the family market at 26 Main Street.

Her career blossomed, and, when Wilfred Raynor passed away, Barbara partnered with Mr. Raynor’s son, Bill, and became the acting broker of the Raynor Office. Early on, Barbara specialized in farm and land sales, always with an eye to keeping the development of such properties to lot divisions that matched the rural nature of Warwick, New York.

With the passing of her partner Bill Raynor, Barbara partnered with her daughter, Cathi, and realized a long dream of moving the “up-the-stairs” Raynor Country Real Estate office to the ground floor of the Raynor building. Her appreciation for antiquing led her to redo the building with an eye to its heritage as the Raynor Market on Main Street. The new space at 26 Main Street was refurbished as a realty office and “general store,” keeping the old-town ambiance and sense of the past alive and well at Raynor Real Estate.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Barbara has been a member of many organizations over the years, including local and national realty groups and appraiser organizations. She also counts memberships in the Warwick Historical Society, Catholic Daughters of America, and, of course, the Warwick Chamber of Commerce.

A keen mind and powerful work ethic have brought her to a new century in her cherished Raynor building. She remains a very private person in a very public profession. She considers her greatest assets to be family and friends and can still laugh and share great stories of the wonderfully funny happenings in her long career. Like the time a gentlemen arrived at a house closing with cash to purchase the home – cash from his recent bank robbery. He was arrested the next day, and the home purchase was considered “null and void.”

As she celebrates more than fifty years as a Warwickian and Realtor, she smiles when folks note that she is the “grand dame” of Warwick’s real estate world. Perhaps now she even enjoys it!

The Raynor Team takes great pleasure in bringing together buyer and seller for that perfect match.  Stop in our unique Warwick NY office/general store and be spellbound by the magic blend of the past and present working together to create the future.  Our friendly office staff will be delighted to help you find the home of your dreams


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